Available workshops

I have been leading workshops in science and spirituality for more than 12 years and enjoy tailoring these to the needs of different groups. All involve a mixture of experiential and verbal activity — with, of course, plenty of time for questions and discussion. Lengths range from an hour to weekend or multi-session courses. Do contact me if you are interested in this for your organisation.

The following list of themes with past examples gives an idea of the scope.


All my work is ultimately pointing to the spirituality of the natural world, and sometitmes groups address this directly, often spending time outside opening to the other-than-human world and then reflecting on the experience.

Past example: Bosham House

Dance-based workshops

I have been involved with circle-dance (a form developed from Balkan community dances) for over 20 years, and have led dance groups occasionally. These dances are often done to songs, where the physical movement reinforces the impact of the words, allowing the whole person to absorb their meaning.

Past examples:

  • Dances of love and justice (this and the following workshop incorporated some of my own choreography);
  • The Dance of Connection — a weekend workshop with Isabel Clarke, using dance bring home the whole-person meaning of physical and psychological insight.
  • Dancing Through Creation a day workshop with myself and the experienced circle dance teacher, choreographer and sheep farmer, Plaxy O'Keefe.

New directions in philosophy

Although I have no formal credentials in philosophy, it is a discipline that I see as vitally important for underpinning our understanding of the implications of science today. This enthusiasm of mine led to an invitation a few years to give a full length course to a branch of the UK Workers Educational Association (WEA), which was well received. The Outline gives an idea of the content.

Implications of science for our world view

This area lends itself both to day workshops and to full courses.

Past example:

Science, Creation and Creativity — another Winchester WEA course.

Science, ecology and religion

Many people today are happy with ‘spirituality’ and uncomfortable with ‘religion’. But religion holds profound insights and practices, as well as terrible abuses; religion constantly needs reforming to bring it back to its roots in love, unity and justice.

Past example:

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